How To Camouflage your Face – Detailed Analysis, FAQs & More

In a survival situation, particularly in an unfriendly climate, you need to think about disguising yourself, your gear, and your movement.

When you camouflage, you are doing two things at the same time. It might mean the distinction between survival and capture by the foe. With this in mind, one way you could successfully survive and escape your enemy or perhaps have a kill in the wild is by camouflaging your face.

However, camouflaging your face does not make you invisible, particularly when you are moving. In essence, all it does is break up patterns and remove the natural shine radiated by the skin.

This article has compiled all you need to know based on camouflage and how to apply it to the face.

What You Should Know About Camouflaging?

How To Camouflage your Face

There are diverse ways in which you can camouflage your face. A very long time before locally acquired camo-paint hit the racks, soldiers would spread the mud on their appearances and uniforms to assist them with blending into their actual environmental factors.

Quick forward to the present time and utilizing camo face paint is as yet a thing for certain tasks; however, the application of camp paint has been changed for strategic use.

For some, making camo paint all over your face is the main concern when you intend to survive, say, on a battleground or when you go hunting or paintball-ing.

With various shading alternatives to choose from, you should initially recognize what climate or environment you’d be presented with before applying the secrecy look. In case you made a beeline for a desert locale, you might need to utilize a couple of various shades of tans and black. Utilizing the most obscure shadings accessible is the intelligent approach.

Furthermore, during the day, covering all uncovered skin with a base coat is key during application. At that point, adding another hazier tone to conceal the featured spots of the face, for example, your nose, cheeks, and jaw, is significant.

Camo paint’s essential objective is to reshape the human face to show up though it was a level surface. However, the plan can be as grand as you can make it remember to cover those bent zones to wipe out any sparkle and shine.

How to Camouflage Your Face?

There are a few different ways to make your face blend in with your current situation. Whether you are chasing or in the military or playing games like paintball, disguise is an extremely valuable option.

You can utilize paint, foliage, a handkerchief, or a veil to mix in with your environmental factors to cover your face. It is anything but a shroud of invisibility, so it is critical to remain still for the best outcomes.

At this point, when utilized accurately, camouflage can be exceptionally viable.

Get Face Paint

It very well may be any face paint as long as it has colors that match your current environment. You can utilize wet remains for dark. You can purchase camo face paint. You can get sticks of camo paint or get a compact. Ensure any pack you get has a light, medium, and dull tone with it, for instance, tan, green, and dark.

Determine the Colors to Use

Pick the tones you’ll have to blend into where you will cover up. In timberlands, utilize green, dark, and earthy colored; in deserts, utilize tan, earthy colored, and light green; in snow, utilize dim, green, and white; in a metropolitan climate, utilize earthy colored, dark, and dim.

For instance, when you are going out in the dark, you could use black to blend in

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Begin the Application Starting With a Light Cloth

Beginning with the zones around the eyes, under the nose, on the temples, and beneath the lower lips, you would utilize a light earthy color or tan.

This is to distract from a portion of the lighter regions on your body, for example, your eyes, and help to separate the pattern and outline of the human face.

This initial step is where many individuals turn out badly by not making the region around their eyes sufficiently huge. If the zone is excessively small, at that point, it will draw more consideration and appear as though two circles of similar tone (eyes)

Proceed by Adding a Medium Color

Next, regions between the sides of the nose and the cheek, on each side of the jawline, close or beginning at or close to the edges of the mouth. In the focal point of the brow, you should use a medium green or olive dull.

These regions must separate your face pattern and are likewise regions of high sparkle or shine because of sweat and facial oils.

Add Dark Colors to the Outer Areas of the Face and Blend It

In the regions over the eyes, the cheeks, and on the chin, you should now use a black. Keep in mind, that nothing in nature is dark, so don’t overdo it.

At long last, utilizing your fingertips, you should mix the entirety of the edges and over the ears and down onto the neck, attempting to get an unobtrusive feathered mix starting with one shading and then onto the next, much like you would do were it artificially glamorized on.

The reason for this approach, likewise with any disguise, is to separate the common layout of your face,

Create a Pattern on Top of the Paint

Paint a disruptive pattern all over on top of the paint. The pattern can assist you with blending into the particular zone around you, so pick a pattern for your particular area.

Such as a pattern used in the movie “Commando.” Utilize a shading dependent on your environmental factors, similar to green if you are in the woods.

At that point, mix it in with your fingers, so the pattern doesn’t stick out. This will mimic the surface of your environmental factors.

Check out our blog for more on camouflaging HERE.


As a survivalist, camouflaging is one step towards survival in whatever circumstances and environment you find yourself in.

Always remember that camouflage is not a means to invisibility but to remain undetected. Follow the steps listed above to disguise your face. Thanks for reading!

If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.

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  • Kyle Lee

    Kyle Lee was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and he always had an interest since childhood in wildlife. Due to his awareness that the USA and other countries had tension with one another, he studied methods to prepare himself if any type of disaster happened. He learned about how to prep if a natural or human-made disaster occurred. That became his passion, which led him to establish Survival Straps, and Kyle is the chief editor. He works as a manager at a camping and outdoor store, lives by himself with his cats, and enjoys watching war documentaries.

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