Prepping on a Budget: the 8 Rules You Need to Know – Full Guide

Several people get the idea of prepping all wrong – it’s not about spending too much, but making every penny count. Even if you have a limited budget, you could prep and have many supplies stocked up when you need them.

For those who have had it difficult, here is an article on prepping on a budget: the 8 rules you need to know.

Prepping on a Budget: the 8 Rules You Need to Know

With these prepping rules, you are going to be keeping you and your family safe, and prepared against disaster. Before you realize it, you are going to be financially liberated.

1. Get Food and Water Supplies

One of the things you have to prioritize when prepping on a budget is food and water supplies. Everything you have becomes useless when there is no food or water; a likely chance to die of dehydration or starvation. Therefore, you need to pick up food and water supplies before anything else.

Understandably, you are on a budget, so you may want to be careful about what to choose. You don’t have to spend a luxury trying to get what you could survive on before everything blows over – foods with nutritional value are ideal. First, you need a good storage location; then, stock-up canned, preserved foods in bulk.

2. Hold On To Essential Kits/Supplies

With food and water supplies sorted, you should invest in something else that is quite consequential to survival – essential kits. The probability of being safe during a crisis cannot be ascertained; however, you need to prepare in case that happens. In some cases, you may not be able to visit a clinic; thus, you would have to carry out first aid before proper treatment.

While you are choosing essential kits, versatility is an important factor to consider. You are running on a budget; thus, it would be advisable to get tools or supplies that can perform more than one function. Paracords, Mylar blankets, and duct tapes are great examples of versatile essentials to buy.

3. Get a Budget-Friendly Bug-Out Location

It is almost impossible to stock up perfectly without a bug-out location. Prepping for survival is sometimes dependent on this factor. Thus, the purpose of a bug-out location is to solely help you store some of your supplies until you need them.

You may want to ease down a little on the storage location since you don’t have too much to spend. Therefore, it is advisable to get a budget-friendly place, yet secure and safe. More importantly, ensure that the location has a good buffer distance so that it is accessible when the time comes.

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4. Be Economical: Find Good Deals

Even if you have all it takes to buy essentials for survival during any crisis, you must be economical about it. No one has any idea about how long it would take before things return to normalcy; thus, you may want to be careful about how you spend. Spend more on things that are top priority like food and water supplies; however, make sure you are getting them at good deals.

Furthermore, you should find cheap prepping items like fishing rods, oil lamps, etc., that would be useful and at the same time, save you enough money for other things.

Find the complete step-by-step survival guides on our website.

5. Make a Saving Plan

If you are on a budget and you could still save some money, then you are one of the few wise ones. After spending on the essentials, you should come up with a saving strategy to help you in the future. You have no control about how the world changes, and for all you know, what you have can only last for so long. However, with your savings, you get a chance to re-stock and buy extra gear when you need one – it doesn’t have to be expensive.

6. Tap into Resources Around You

Usually, nature provides some of the best resources that aid survival. During a disaster or crisis, it is ideal to use whatever is available – even if it involves going traditional. With alternative options, you are saving your budget. For instance, you could opt-in for other methods that don’t involve electricity or gas – firewood, solar panel, hydroelectricity.

Likewise, you could decide to invest your time into agriculture – buy and plant seeds for sustainability. These seeds grow into edible plants that provide nutritional value and add up calories. As long as you have a piece of land and a few tools to get started, you and your family are keeping yourself fueled.

7. Home Protection Supplies

It is quite difficult to guarantee your safety during a crisis, especially one that forces you to stay indoors. Now, it is understandable that you don’t have too much to spend, but home protection supplies are worth it. There is nothing worth stocking up on if invaders threaten your safety; hence, try to get a few pieces of equipment.

You could go for options like snares/traps, door alarms, barricades, safety locks, etc., for either the home or bug-out location – it would do so much to keep you and your family safe.

8. Invest in Your Exit

Finally, your budget should be able to cover your exit strategy. In a situation where your survival is threatened even with heavy security and sustainable resources available, you need an exit plan. You would need to work out a solution for emergencies; one of them is transportation.

Invest in the maintenance of your vehicle, so that it is ready when you need it urgently. Also, ensure there are enough gas and a fully-charged battery. Most importantly, stock up with essentials for a road journey.

CLICK HERE to find all the information on survival food.

Prepping on a Budget: the 8 Rules You Need to Know


Survival is one thing you shouldn’t take for granted because your life depends on it. For convenience on prepping on a budget: the 8 rules you need to know are handy. Make sure you follow these principles if you have a large, small, or zero budget.

In conclusion, this article has been able to prove that you can prep with a few or zero dollars.

Please don’t forget to send in your feedback/comments.


  • Kyle Lee

    Kyle Lee was born and raised in Houston, Texas, and he always had an interest since childhood in wildlife. Due to his awareness that the USA and other countries had tension with one another, he studied methods to prepare himself if any type of disaster happened. He learned about how to prep if a natural or human-made disaster occurred. That became his passion, which led him to establish Survival Straps, and Kyle is the chief editor. He works as a manager at a camping and outdoor store, lives by himself with his cats, and enjoys watching war documentaries.

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